Attention Classic Car and Automotive website and blog owners:

Win an iPod Touch

Collector Car Ads is looking for automotive website and blog owners to link to our website.
As an incentive we are giving away an iPod Touch to one lucky person who
links their website to

1 in 100 chance to win an iPod Touch!

iPod Contest Rules:
Only the first 100 links to our website are eligible for the contest meaning if you link
to our site you will have a 1 in 100 chance to win an iPod Touch.

1) The website must be classic car or automotive related.
2) The link to must not have a "nofollow" attribute.
3) The page where the link originates from cannot be blocked from search engine spiders.
4) After a link has been placed on you site, notify us at with the location of the link
5 ) Any of the following link codes can be used:

Classic Cars for Sale link:

Classic Cars link:

See our cars at Collector Car Ads link:

Collector Car Ads link:

Any variation of the code must be approved by Collector Car Ads.

6) has the right to deny contest entry if the conditions above are not met.

7) After has obtained 100 links as a result of this contest one eligible entrant will be randomly chosen to win a
8GB iPod Touch, 5th generation with a retail value of $199

A chance to win a very cool iPod with great odds!