1955 Pontiac Starchief (New Ipswich, NH) $9,900 obo
This 2 Door Hardtop is all Matching Numbers with the original automatic transmission. 95% chrome is on car which is pretty impressive. the original interior does need to be gone through. This comes with a new braking system, it runs and moves just fine. This Pontiac is an excellent candidate for a complete restoration. It does need front floor pans which are included. Originally it was a 2 tone white and carmel as you can see it has a lot of petina, however it is very solid.
Please give our friend Wayne a call at 603-231-7908 or 603-878-2609
LocationNew Ipswich, New Hampshire Mileage: Engine: Body Type: Interior: Exterior: 2 tone white and carmel View all the ads by this advertiser
Place Date: 5/6/2019
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number: 603-231-7908