I am looking for a person or group that would like to obtain a 1930 Model A Ford Deluxe Fordor Town Sedan to restore.
A number of years ago my father told me if I came across a Model A to buy it and we could restore it. I kept my eye open and found one. He came with a trailer and we drove it on. Yes, it was in running condition. We kept it like that for a few years and would drive it around whenever I was in town. My Dad wanted to get going on the restoration and so we started taking it apart. He knew all the parts and where they go. After all, his first car was a Model A. I can't take credit for much of the work done on the car since I lived 3+ hours away. But we would often work on it when I was in town. We didn't get very far before he was gone. No work has been done on it since. At the time I was too busy working, raising, and providing for my young family to work on it. Years later I thought about selling it. But my oldest son thought it would be a good idea if we restored it. We talked about it. Researched it and made plans. But before we could start my son died. That was 4 years ago last Christmas (2018). I have lost all desire to restore the car and would like to sell it. I am asking $5000 OBO.
$5,000 OBO
LocationSycamore, Illinois Mileage:72420 Engine: 4 cyl Body Type: Deluxe Fordor Town Sedan Interior: tan mohair Exterior: black View all the ads by this advertiser
Place Date: 7/23/2023
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